Friday 30 December 2011

We the Mathematicians (Not the People & Not the Lokpal )

I believe this is the line our constitution must start with. I don’t think, We the People suits us anymore.
Lokpal will not be able to resolve any of our problems because it is mathematics (not number of seats in parliament) of money and morality that fails us.

Please consider the following examples:

1.       I skip a Red Light. I get caught. My fine is 100 Rs. The Traffic Policeman asks for 30 Rs.
      My profit 70 Rs. I don’t want Lokpal in the picture as my Mathematics is giving me Profit.
(In this case if my Morality has 71 Rs then only I will suffer loss)

2.       I DON’T skip a Red Light. I still get caught. My fine is 100 Rs. I argue with the Policeman. The Traffic Policeman asks for 30 Rs.
Mathematics:    Going to grievance Cell:
1.       Take Paid Leave from my Office: 500 Rs
2.       Parking Fee: 10 Rs
3.       Travel: 50 Rs
4.       Harassment and Running Around and Coffee: 50 Rs
Total Cost:  610 Rs
I pay 30 Rs to the Policeman and move forward. My profit 580 Rs. I don’t want Lokpal or Grievance Cell as my Mathematics is giving me Profit.
(In this case if my Morality has 581 Rs then only I will suffer loss)

3.       I have my Number Plate broken. Repeat case 2
Mathematics is again making me richer by 580 Rs. Why do I need the Lokpal again.

4.       I am a builder and am constructing a Building in Posh South Delhi Area. I have all the approvals.  MCD guys come and ask for their share of 20000 Rs.
Mathematics: Going to grievance Cell:
1.       Stop work at my building site for 10 Days. (Assuming within 10 Days my case will be resolved). This costs me 50000 Rs of Loss.
2.       Harassment and Running Around and Legal Aid: 15000 Rs
Total Cost:  65000 Rs
I pay 20000 Rs to the MCD and move forward. My profit 45000 Rs. I don’t want Lokpal or Grievance Cell as my Mathematics is giving me Profit.
(In this case if my Morality has 45001 Rs then only I will suffer loss)
5.       Simple Mathematics. I get an IT Notice. MY Tax is calculated to be 80000 Rs. The Tax man asks for 20000 Rs for closure of case.
Mathematics is again giving me Profit of 60000 Rs. Who wants a Lokpal.

I can go on and on and on. This will not end.
The moral of the story is that the cost of the Bribe in comparison to the cost of the Purpose is mathematically perfect.

It only pinches you temporarily, but when you calculate it in comparison to the Total cost of fighting the system, bribe actually smells sweet. Obviously I am considering the cost of Morality to be ZERO. And if anybody argues that it is not so then I will like to respond by saying: Howcome so many Indians are paying bribe to So many Other Indians.

Has anybody heard of putting a stone (lokpal) in quicksand and expecting the quicksand (corruption) to disappear? Clean the System, Adding additional laws will not help.

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